Monday, June 25, 2007

settling can be unsettling

i was browsing through the racks of a clothing store one day when my eyes fell upon a cute top. i liked the color and the design.. it didn’t cost much.. and it fit me quite well. upon closer inspection, though, i was dismayed to find a small tear in the fabric of the shirt. hmm. so i asked the saleslady to get me another one from their stock. unfortunately, she said that’s the *last* one. uh oh.

i knew the shirt was defective. i knew it wasn’t the perfect buy i thought it was at first. but i really, really, really wanted it!!! so i looked the other way and bought it anyway. and as soon as i got home, i tried to patch up the tear. but since i’m not so good with needle and thread, i wasn’t able to fix it as well as i wanted to. *sigh*

then a few days after, i saw that same exact shirt on the rack.. in another branch of the said store!! auuuuggh!! now, everytime i see my shirt, i want to pound myself on the head for my impatience and lack of self-control :(

right now, bro bo sanchez’ words of wisdom come to mind:

the enemy of the best is not the bad. the enemy of the best is the good.

he says that oftentimes, we don’t *discern* between right and wrong. when we ask God for help in making our decisions, we don’t present Him with one righteous and one sinful option. we choose between two right choices - it’s only a matter of deciding which is actually *best* for us.

but sometimes, in our haste, we take things into our own hands. we make decisions without bothering to consult the Lord. and we end up with something *good*.. something that’s “pwede na”.. when what He really wanted to give us was the *best* that’s why it takes a lot of patience, as well as “tuning in” to God, in order to make sure we’re getting the best that He has to offer to us.

life presents us with so many options: career choices, job opportunities, communities to join, relationships to build. the variety of choices can be daunting. but with the Lord’s guidance and grace, we can be confident that we will receive what He best intends for us :)

and though we may be stuck with a torn shirt or two in our lifetime, we can rest assured that He will eventually provide us with the one He’s “custom made” for us. no holes. no tears. no defects. the perfect fit :)

let’s wait on the Lord to point out to us His best blessings, shall we? :)

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