Monday, June 11, 2007

the shoes of a superhero

there is probably no more terrible instant of enlightenment than the one in which you discover your father is a man--with human flesh.
- frank herbert (dune)

most people think their fathers are heroes. oh, you know.. the kind of guy with lofty ideals.. who stood by his principles.. whose life is a source of inspiration to everybody. and that’s fine.

but i don’t think of my dad as a hero.

i mean, yeah.. my dad is a man of integrity and character. he lives by his principles and he’s certainly an inspiration to a lot of people. i doubt that anybody who knows him would question that.

but to me, he’s so much more than that “high and mighty” heroic figure. my dad has that alter-ego too.. just like those superheroes i get to read about in comic books ü

because though dad could engage you in a very gripping conversation about God, life, religion and service, he’s definitely not someone you would describe as “stern” or “serious.” ü

ask the kids - they’d tell you! i get the feeling they already suspect the truth. i believe they already know that.. yes.. my dad is a superhero! ü his “superpowers” are numerous.. and they include (to name a few):

* charisma. young. old. rich. poor. wise. simpleton. it seems like all kinds of people are drawn to dad. and he’s so genuinely drawn to them as well!

* brainpower. not a lot of people know this, but my dad graduated with a degree in engineering. but nowadays, he’s having lots of fun as a computer whiz. he’s also great at being a techie - giving sound advice on electronic gadgets (PDAs, celphones, etc), a mechanic, electrician, handyman, etc. oh.. and he also served as my math/science tutor in my elem/highschool days.. and i think i turned out fairly okay hehe :p

* super-speed. in the morning, before i’m even able to rub the sleep from my eyes, my dad’s already cooked breakfast, set the table, fed the fish, watered the plants/washed the car, arranged my mom’s medicine and prepared my ‘baon’ (complete with a note!) all that in under an hour! whew! :p

* special ESP. you know how people always talk about “mother’s intuition?” well, my dad has “father’s intuition” ü he always seems to know when i’m troubled, depressed or in need. i don’t have to say anything.. he’s just *know.* and then, to make everything all better, he uses his...

* healing powers. whether it’s a headache, tummyache, backache or heartache.. dad always seems to be able to make the pain go away. through his therapeutic massage and his calming words, dad has the wonderful ability to make everything a-ok ü

as a kid, i always thought my dad could do *anything* - i probably wouldn’t have been surprised if someone told me dad could fly ü it’s cool.. having the kind of father your friends wish they had. it’s also cool to have a dad who “grew up” along with you.. who stood by you as your interests shifted from toys to books to guys (then back to books and toys, hahaha!). having the kind of father that i have certainly ROCKS.

now, as a grownup, i know my dad could not do everything. (well, at least i know he couldn’t fly, hehe). but still, i’d have to say that having him for a dad still ROCKS ü i’ve been gifted with the best dad i could ever ask for.

well, the best *human* dad i could ask for, that is ü

and when times comes for me to become a parent, i know i’m going to have very large shoes to fill. i may have the genes.. but, as we see in the comics, children of superheroes do not always inherit their powers, haha.

but though my dad’s superhero shoes are large, thankfully, they’re light. because they’re worn by someone whose heart is buoyed with love.. just as my Heavenly Father’s heart is filled with great love for me ü

and who knows, maybe someday, with His help, i’ll be the kind of “superparent” i’ve always seen my dad to be ü

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