Monday, August 6, 2007

making rainwishes

"rain, rain, go away. come again another day. ‘cause little children want to play”

unlike a lot of kids, i never really recited those lines. why should i? i love it when it rains. i love grey skies and the pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof. i love curling up in my warm bed as i listen to the rain outside my window. i love the rain so much that i *always* make rainwishes. haha. i’m not called rainlover for nothing :)

well, now i’m not the only one looking up to the high heavens waiting for the rain to come. because of the dry spell in luzon, and all the trouble that lack of water has caused in different provinces, a lot of people have now turned into rainwishers as well. cardinal rosales has issued a circular that included an obligatory prayer to ask for rain. in some areas, they even have rain dancers! in all these years, this is the first time i’ve ever seen so many people asking for rain at the same time.

last july, pagasa says the dry spell will continue until august.. and that the rains will probably come sometime next month. they said that less tropical cyclones are expected to enter the country these coming months, so the wet season will come much later than expected. meantime, we just have to be content with the occasional afternoon shower - definitely not enough to replenish the depleted water supply.
i, however, choose to believe otherwise. as someone who’s been making rainwishes for years, i know that the One who makes the rain fall will grant the prayers of the thousands of faithful who implore His help.

just a couple of days after cardinal rosales issued his circular, pagasa says that a tropical storm (still unnamed) could enter the country within the week. hmmm. coincidence? maybe. but again, i choose to believe otherwise.

i remember a story i read a few years back. it was about a town that had not gotten any rainfall in more than a year. so the pastor gathered everyone in the town square to pray for rain. they held a vigil.. they had special rain dances, songs, worship, etc. and then the rain came pouring down. and everyone scrambled for shelter. except for one little girl - the only one with enough faith to bring an umbrella.

matt 21:22 says, “if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." a lot of times, though, when we pray, our faith.. our belief.. is only half-hearted. we lack that expectant faith that believes 100% in His provision and His miracle.

when we pray - whether it be for healing, for guidance or for rain - let us believe.. let us trust.. let us expect ü for we know we have a God who *always* answers our prayers. Who knows our needs even before we ask Him ü

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