Tuesday, November 1, 2005


it's the 31st of october. 9pm. halloween. hmm. feels much like any other night. so far, i haven't seen any monsters, ghosts or creepy creatures - real or costumed. i have not heard any devilish howling nor felt anything downright scary today. nope. this has been another one of those boring, ordinary days. (haha. as simple plan sang so aptly, "welcome to my life.")

anyway, i've never been one to be fascinated with ghosts and the like. some of my friends have what they call the "third eye" - they claim to sense spirits and other "earthbound" souls. thankfully, i don't have that kind of uh.. 'talent' so to speak. quite frankly, i can't imagine why anyone would call having that ability a 'gift'. it must feel really creepy. like something straight out of "sixth sense"..

i am, however, very much acquainted with fear. a lot of things scare me. some are quite trivial. like cockroaches, closed spaces and heights, to name a few.

some of my fears, though, are not-so-trivial. like losing a loved one.. not being good enough.. finding that i've become of no use to anyone.. becoming nameless/faceless.. or never having anyone to lean on or to keep me company. these are my 'ghosts.' and they haunt me day in, day out - not just on halloween.

the bible says that “..perfect love drives out fear.” (1Jn 4:18). hmm. with all the things that scare me, i suppose i can say that my love is far from perfect. in fact, i guess i can say i have not even come a quarter of the way to perfection.

at times such as these (when almost everywhere i turn, i hear about death and dying), my fears have a way of being magnified. i struggle to stop myself from being afraid of what the future might bring. i try my best to trust in the Unseen God. it is difficult.. but somehow, He gives me strength to manage.

my love may not be perfect.. yet. but one day, i know it will be. because His love for me is perfect. and because “He who began a good work..” in me “..will carry it on to completion..” (Phil 1:6).

in the meantime, i live with my fears.. and trust in the Lord to teach me to trust and to love Him more perfectly. until my “daily halloween” is no more.

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