Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Visions of a Sunrise

“Misyon ng kabataan, makabuluhang pagbabago ay simulan” This is the theme for our school’s graduation/baccalaureate ceremonies for this year. Effecting change. Given that our graduation rites happen only two days after Easter, I think the theme is very appropriate.

During the baccalaureate ceremonies, Pastor Leo Panlilio (one of our guest speakers) said that in order to effect change, one should be a visionary. He gave the graduating students advice on how to make their “visions” come true: (1) Visualize clearly and specifically what you want to be; (2) Be desperate in wanting to realize your dreams; (3) Follow your purpose whole-heartedly; and (4) Commit to your vision faithfully.

It was very heartwarming to see the normally restless young people listen so attentively to the message being preached to them. After the ceremony, quite a number of the students (and parents!) approached our speaker to thank him for his words of encouragement. Considering that these are teenagers who usually do not mingle with adults, this was utterly surprising, to say the least.

Why were the youth so affected? Why were they so happy, so receptive to the message preached by the Pastor? I think it is because through him, the students were given a vision - something they can hope for and eventually achieve. They were allowed to dream a bit higher - to aim for more than what they originally thought they could be.

And that, exactly is what Jesus did when He rose from the dead. He gave us a vision.. a glimpse of sunrise - new hope, new life. This is the Easter message for all of us: Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we can be far more than what we originally thought we could be. A happy and blessed Easter to everyone!

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