Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Barely Breathing

for the first time since i started writing for the newsletter, last week, i was not able to submit an article. no, i’ve not run out of things to write about. and it’s not as if i lack inspiration. it’s just that the past week has been extremely hectic for me. i was giving review lectures for college entrance tests in the morning (8am-12nn); summer classes in the afternoon (1-5pm) and choir practice in the evening (6.30-9.30pm). hmmm. i felt like one of those lab rats moving from one part of the maze to the other.

so there i was, being busy the entire week. understandably, by the time saturday came, i was tired. drained. exhausted. and a bit on the grumpy side. i had papers to check, final exams to write, grades to compute, announcements to text, etc. but because we had the LSS for the class of st. james last weekend, i did not have enough time to do all those things.. much less get my much-needed sleep.

but in spite of my exhaustion, my hoarse voice and the tons of stuff i have yet to finish, i had a great time serving at the LSS :-) i found that as i listened to the talks, participated in the worship and attended the mass.. my strength returned to me. not only did i feel more alert/awake.. but my heart felt lighter.. and my spirit was renewed :-)

sunday morning brought more blessings for me. before singing for the morning prayers, we joined the MoP members in their worship. the prayers were simple, and so were the songs. but the anointing at that time was so powerful.. and everyone in the vigil room area felt the Holy Spirit’s power as it moved among us. people started to speak in tongues.. and many found themselves shaking or crying inexplicably. it was as if God’s power and blessings rained down on all of us. it was truly beautiful.. wonderful.. awesome.

and at that point, i understood that the life in the spirit seminars we hold every year are not only for the candidates we invite. we, who are given the privilege to serve there, are also being blessed abundantly. as we offer our time, our talents and our treasures in service of others, the Lord anoints us.. empowers us.. blesses us. He gives us not only strength, but more importantly, *joy* in serving Him :-)

sis yna’s opening song last sunday says it so well:

“times of refreshing here in your presence / no greater blessing than being with you / my soul is restored / my mind is renewed / there’s no greater joy lord / than being with you”

i may have been barely breathing all of last week, but i still thank God for the privilege of service. because through it, i’ve once more received a dose of His life-giving breath. and i know it’s enough to sustain me.. enough to empower me.. as i continue serving Him :-)

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