Wednesday, February 14, 2007

catching hearts

“everytime i look at you, i feel better. it shocks me. it knocks my wind out, but it’s true.. i’d be happy just to look at you from across the room. and even that - anything - any piece of you, i mean, hopefully all of you, that would be the best thing because i love you.”

- george, grey’s anatomy

when i watched that episode of “grey’s anatomy,” i went “awww :)” haha. it was so romantic.. and so *mushy*.. but if the love of my life said those words to me, i wouldn’t go “awww” at all. ‘coz i probably would have *fainted* out of sheer happiness :p

but today, no one will say anything of the sort to me. and i still don’t have “the love of my life” that i can introduce to my friends. ok, at this point, maybe *you* are going “awww :(” . please don’t :p ‘coz though i may not have a “sweetheart” or “honey pie” at the moment, i do have valentines this year.

yes. you read correctly. valentines. more than one ü because this february 14, i have a “date” with the people i hold especially dear to my heart - all at the same time - here at this prayer meeting ü

who are my special valentines?

they are people in the choir with whom i’ve spent the past 11 years of my life ü we’ve worked together, had fun together.. laughed, cried.. fought, made up. we grew up together.. we know each other’s strengths & weaknesses. and we continue to support and encourage one another in our service ü

my valentines are my closest friends in the community. those who have stuck with me, rain or shine. the ones whom i’ve learned to trust and rely on. who honestly tell me when i’m being too bitchy.. but do not hold back their encouraging words either. they’re the ones who defend me even when i’m not there to witness it.. and who value my friendship, even when they already have the love of *their* lives ü

my valentines are my dad and my mom.. who are not conventionally mushy nor romantic. but they’re the most selfless love-givers i’ve ever known. they help people in need - financially and in other ways as well. dad shares his *time* and skills with most everyone. he inspires a lot of people with his prayers and his words of wisdom. mom is a “small giant” of a teacher ü and in her own quiet way, she brings Christ to her classroom. she also prays for an incredibly long list of people. they are the people i run to whenever i’m down. dad and mom are the ones who know me through and through. and both of them make our house a *home* - a place of rest, in spite of the fact that chores keep piling up ü my parents are my “daily” valentines. they are God’s living reminders to me that i am extraordinarily loved.

these are the people who make *everyday* seem like valentine’s day for me ü and i am blessed. truly blessed.. that while God is preparing that *one* special person who will catch my heart someday, He rained down so many hearts on me as i wait ü so i’m in no rush right now. my heart’s net is full of great catches ü happy heart’s day everyone!

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