Thursday, June 15, 2006

sharing my dad

“becoming a father isn't difficult, but it's very difficult to be a father.” - wilhelm busch

some men are wonderful providers for their families. others can be counted on to do the “rough jobs” in the house. some guys are thoughtful and sweet. others give great advice. some are God-fearing and full of wisdom. still, there are some men who exude warmth and generosity.. and there are those whose character enable them to become great leaders.

while it may be no mean feat to find someone who falls into one of the above-mentioned categories, it is *extremely* difficult to find a man who has all the qualities i just listed. that’s why i believe that God really listens to my mom’s prayers. she’s so lucky - the Lord gave her my dad for a husband! :-)

my dad got married at the age of 23. a year later, i was born. even at that young age, my dad already showed maturity and responsibility. everyone - from my grandparents to my uncles and aunts to my older cousins - admired and respected my dad. not only that.. but they also felt a genuine and natural affection for him. family members (though most of them were older than he was) would always go to him for advice. my teenage cousins would turn to him whenever they had problems - whether it was about school, lovelife, or parents.

thus, even though i was an only child, i grew up “sharing” my dad with almost everyone else. because he was so “in demand” in our family (and even at school - my friends loved to eat the extra sandwiches he would prepare for me), i got used to the fact that a lot of people looked up to my dad as their “father” as well. but in spite of this, i never felt neglected. i never felt that i was second best. because no matter how busy he was.. no matter who he was talking to.. or what he was doing.. dad would *always* have time for me. he never made me feel like he had to squeeze me into his schedule. he never made me feel like i was bothering him. nope. with dad, i always knew.. not only was my company welcome.. it was joyfully anticipated :-)

i could go on and on about all the wonderful things my dad did for me these past 29 years: waking me up every schoolday; teaching me to read; packing my lunches; bringing me to and fetching me from school; preparing “treasure hunts” during special occasions; driving me to choir practices and concerts; helping me with my homework; talking to me about anything and everything under the sun (no subject is ever “taboo” with dad, you know ü); giving great advice; being a trusted confidante and shoulder to cry on.. etc. etc. yup, i could come up with at least a hundred more reasons why i’m grateful for my dad - but it would be pointless to do so in this limited space.

so i’ll just say this: i see my dad truly as my Dad’s earthly counterpart. through him, i am able to know Him more. that’s why i really thank the Lord for giving me a father who mirrors His love.. His goodness.. His generosity.. His mercy.. so well ü

fathers - they really are God’s gifts to us. and i’m so thankful that i got the best ü happy father’s day, daddy ü

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