Wednesday, June 21, 2006

V for Victory

“I heard about His healing,

Of His cleansing pow'r revealing.

How He made the lame to walk again

And caused the blind to see;

And then I cried, "Dear Jesus,

Come and heal my broken spirit,"

And somehow Jesus came and bro't

To me the victory.” (Victory in Jesus)

failing health. money problems. breakups. loss of a job. death in the family. many of our brothers and sisters in the community are going through some tough times right now. some are afraid. some are confused. some are lonely. and some do not know what to do.

yet we see them every wednesday, worshipping and serving with us during prayer meetings. they, who need healing, intercede for others who are sick. they, who have so little, lovingly give their tithes. they, who have been hurt, give comfort to those who are hurting. in spite of the trials and tests of faith that they are experiencing, these brothers and sisters continue to offer their time, talents and treasures to the Lord. in their weakness, our brethren still give their all in their service.

the question is.. WHY?!

don’t get me wrong. being in ministry service is great. it is truly a privilege and an honor. but it is no bed of roses either. serving in the community means that you’d have to go beyond yourself in order to minister to others. it means offering your own sacrifices.. whenever.. wherever. it is no easy task. and for someone who is hurting.. or whose faith is wavering.. sometimes it could be quite difficult.

in colossians, we see paul the apostle imprisoned.. in chains.. and yet still able to minister to his brothers in the church through his letters. he spread God’s love and mercy.. and became an even more effective witness to the power of God’s grace. the Lord was able to use paul’s affliction and persecution for His greater glory. even though his body was in chains, paul’s spirit was free.

and that, i think, is why we all continue to minister to others. the privilege of serving the Lord is not given only to those who are strong, able and problem-free. the honor is greater for those who are more earnest in seeking Him.. who are more desperate in clinging to Him.. despite the odds. because strength and victory come from the Lord. in the end, even our ability to worship and thank God is a gift from Him. and those who have experienced much sorrow, affliction and trials, know this fact not just intellectually.. but by heart.

friend, if, at this time, everything seems to be going well for you, thank the Lord. but when time comes that you experience your own test of faith, thank Him even more. because then, He will show you how He moves mountains and parts seas.. just to let you experience the victory that only Jesus can give ü

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