Saturday, May 26, 2007

the day God kept me company

I Simply Live For You
Words and music by Russell Fragar

Say the word and I will sing for You
Over oceans deep, I will follow
If each star was a song, and every breath of wind, praise
It would still fail by far to say all my heart contains
I simply live, I simply live for You

As the glory of Your presence now fills this place
In worship we will see You face to face,
There is nothing in this world to which You can be compared
Glory on glory, praise upon praise

You bind the broken hearted and save all my tears
And by Your Word, You set the captives free,
There is nothing in this world that You cannot do
I simply live, I simply live for You

* * *

i listen to this song as i am writing this article. i am here in tagaytay.. spending the weekend with family and friends. i am enjoying the breathtaking view, the wonderfully cool weather and the beautiful fruit-bearing trees and gorgeous flowers. for the past few hours, i've been trying to write something.. anything.. for this week's newsletter. in fact, i've started about 5 or 6 articles (on various topics, with weird titles like "the view from the back(seat)," "i know what i did this summer," "heaven's scent," "go forth and multiply," "escap(ad)e" and "time's up").. but i shelved them all (or threw them into the trash altogether) 'cause after a paragraph or so, i couldn't find the words to continue any of them. at least, not *yet* :p

so instead of racking my brain to force myself to write, i just took a walk in the grounds. i shot some pictures.. breathed in the fresh air.. admired the view and chatted with friends. i brought along my trusty mp3 player, for a bit of "background music" too, haha. and i heard this song play :)

have you ever experienced being ministered to by God? see, there are times when i can't think of a prayer during my quiet time.. even though i know i want to spend time with God. and there are moments (like today) when i want to do something for Him.. but my mind is so distracted and unfocused that i couldn't think clearly. then.. just when i'm at the point of getting *too* irritated by my own distractedness, He nudges me and reminds me to "be still and know that I am God." (ps 46:10)

and you know what? when i do allow myself to be still, that's when i *hear* what i am supposed to pray :) at first, i found it weird. i thought prayer (and worship, for that matter) was about me telling the Lord the things i want to tell Him. but by being quiet, i learned that it's much, much more than that.

prayer/worship is about listening to Him! God isn't just Someone Who listens to me. He's also my Teacher :) He teaches me how to worship by opening my eyes to the wonders of His creation. He lets me hear the inspiring songs made by His children especially for Him.. then opens my heart so that my own voice joins theirs in worship. and He lets me discover the warmth of fellowship, as well as the beauty of solitude :)

lately, i discovered something about God. you know what? He is sooooo talkative! :p it's true! He's not loud, though. He speaks to me in sweet and soft whispers.. pointing out "tiny miracles" as they unfold before me :) i'd look at the trees and He'd ask me "what do you think of the flowers I made? do you like them?". i'd eat a pineapple and He'd tell me "see how sweet it tastes? I made it especially for you..". i'd gaze up at the stars at night and He'd whisper "I know how much you love stars.. so I made them twinkle just a bit brighter tonight..". when i was aching for a bit of rain, He'd tell me "ok, I'm going to let the clouds give you a soft shower later on so you can enjoy the raindrops fall". all through the day, God kept me company. and He kept talking! He went on and on about how happy He was.. and how good it is to finally be able to talk to me, haha. and i'd just give a nod here.. or say "yes, God, You're right.. that *was* a sweet pineapple.." or something like that. i wasn't really able to get in as many words as i wanted to.

but you know what? i think that's exactly how he wanted it to be :)

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