Sunday, January 1, 2006

black & white

Question: how do you turn white into black?

Answer: one black drop at a time

if you have a drum of white paint, and you pour in a whole can of black paint and mix it, you'd definitely notice the change from white to grey.. or near-black.

but try to mix in the black paint one drop at a time. you'd hardly ever notice any change. your eyes wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the original white.. and one that's 1/1000 shade darker.

Question: so how do you turn black to white?

Answer: you don't. only God can

"..wash me, and I will be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

new year. new beginnings. old sins are washed away, and the slate has been wiped clean. a fresh start. ahhh. isn't it great how the red blood of Jesus cleans away our blackness and turns us snow white? Ü

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