Tuesday, June 3, 2008


out of all the computer (shortcut) commands that i use in typing, i’d have to say that this is my favorite. yup, next to ctrl+s  (which allows me to save my typewritten document), ctrl+z is the one that i use the most.

so what does ctrl+z do? well, this command lets you undo the last operation you performed. and what’s great is that you can keep on pressing ctrl+z until you get rid of all your wrong steps. cool ü

as i am writing down this piece, i tried counting the number of times i used undo commands. here’s the breakdown as of now:

ctrl+z : 13 times
backspace : 9 times
delete : 12 times

hmm. no wonder i find it so difficult to simply write down my articles on a piece of paper. i make too many mistakes.. too many revisions.. that i’d probably use up half my notebook just to finalize one article contribution in this newsletter, hehehe :p
wouldn’t it be great if we also had a ctrl+z command that we could use in real life? imagine if we could always undo our mistakes and replace our wrong decisions with the right ones. no regrets. wow.

in isaiah 1:18, the lord himself said:

though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.

brothers and sisters, as children of god, we have something even better than a ctrl+z command. it’s called forgiveness ü and all we really need to do to obtain it is to get down on our knees each time we fall, and like the psalmist in psalm 51, pray “cleanse me with hyssop, and i will be clean; wash me, and i will be whiter than snow.“

we have been washed with the blood of jesus (1 peter 1:19).. and each time we come to him, we are made whiter than snow ü that sure beats any “undo” command i know :p

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