Monday, June 30, 2008

my red shoe diary

i was sorting through my stuff just the other day. old clothes, bags, shoes and other items i hadn’t used in a long, long time were cluttered all over the floor. and as i was organizing my tons of stuff into piles (to be thrown, to be donated, to be kept), one particular item caught my eye.

a pair of shiny, pointy, red high-heeled shoes.

i remember the day i bought that particular pair. i was browsing through the shoe racks at the department store when i saw them. shiny. sophisticated-looking. attention-grabber. hot. i instantly knew i wanted to have those. but i’m not exactly a “red shoe” person.. so i opted to look around first before making any hasty decisions.

i went ‘round the store looking at some of the more practical and comfortable footwear. i tried on several pairs of more “wearable” flat shoes. but the image of those shiny red stilettos kept flashing in my head.

so i went on and bought the pair. i remember feeling so happy at the time. i thought of which blouses or dresses i could match with my red footwear. i imagined myself feeling more elegant (well.. the added height *does* help a lot, hahahahaha!) as i walked in my new shoes.

a few days after, i wore my red stilettos to a special occasion. they made me feel more sophisticated.. and they turned quite a number of heads (haha). but i didn’t wear them again after that.

why? because the shiny, pointy, red high-heeled shoes just weren’t me. they were nice to look at, but not exactly comfortable on my feet. they were flashy and hot, but they didn’t allow me to walk as quickly as i wanted to. besides, it was distracting to always have to make sure i would not slip or stumble as i walked awkwardly in my stilettos.

i’m not planning to throw or give away my red shoes any time soon, though. because they serve as a reminder to me.. that a lot of times, we are *sure* we know what we want in life. and we do anything and everything to get it. only to find out that it really wasn’t what we needed, after all.

brothers and sisters, it’s so easy to be attracted to the fancy trappings of this world. but in the end, all the glitter and flashiness that caught our eyes would never be enough to satisfy us. eventually, we will all go back to the source of our joy and our salvation.. and we will all seek the comfort and peace of our lord :)

“delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart” psalm 37:4

he provides for our needs.. he grants our wants and wishes. but most of all, he gives himself to us. and that, really, is all we need.. because he definitely satisfies our desires :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

brothers and sisters, it’s so easy to be attracted to the fancy trappings of this world. but in the end, all the glitter and flashiness that caught our eyes would never be enough to satisfy us. eventually, we will all go back to the source of our joy and our salvation.. and we will all seek the comfort and peace of our lord :)

eventually we will, but the learning cycle won't be complete until we experience getting what we wanted and reaching that "eventually" point.:)